i have a hard time providing constructive criticism on sprite videos that showcase shoto fighters.
here it goes!
i found the voices to be both engaging and distracting, and i'll try to elaborate.
some voice clips seemed to fit well, while others didn't make sense.
it appeared as though you were restricted with the clips, at least with the characters outside of Ryu and Akuma. those two fit well and were not distracting.
however, i realized that you did the best you could with the limited voice resources you had.
this video is your best one by far both in animation quality and voice/ sound mixing.
i won't deduct points for you using characters that i am not really a fan of, however
if i could give you a good piece of advice, try to branch away from shoto fighters.
you have managed to do some creative things, but the well is running dry on these sprites.
it is hard to be innovative with characters that have been used by so many people before, and hell, proxicide might have just put shotos and mk ninjas on life support.
i am trying not to rant, but i am hoping to see more from you in the future with characters that could better showcase your talents.
good luck, man!